2022, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2022; 25 (1)
Morphometric characterization and reproductive potential of Mexican Creole chicken’s eggs (Gallus gallus domesticus) intended for artificial incubation
Illescas-Cobos AA, González-Cerón F, Pro-Martínez A
Language: English
References: 24
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 224.77 Kb.
The Creole Mexican chickens present a wide variation of their morphometric characteristics that go from the shape of the bird
to the shape, weight, and size of the eggs they lay, offering different biological-productive values. This research consisted of
describing the morphometric parameters of their eggs, and their reproductive potential under artificial incubation. For this, 2,778
eggs were collected from an experimental population of the Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, of which the measures
corresponding to the macrostructure were recorded and were studied through multivariate cluster analysis. 2,671 eggs were placed
for artificial incubation, distributed in eight blocks, and their development was described by embryodiagnostic analysis. As a result
of the cluster, a dendrogram with three groups was obtained, group 2 grouped most of the data and could be considered as the
morphometric standard with average measurements of weight = 55.96 g, length = 5.72 cm, width = 4.18 cm, egg shape index = 73,
volume = 51.09 cm
3, area 67.48 cm
2 and color on the Zinpro
® scale = 5. A fertility percentage of 76.46% and a birth percentage
of 21.61% were achieved through artificial incubation.
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