2021, Number 6
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RIC 2021; 100 (6)
Development of the ''diagnostic'' ability of ophthalmological manifestations in medicine major
Creagh-Almiñan Y, Noa-Salvazán L, Matos-Columbié ZC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 671.65 Kb.
Introduction: the increase of systemic diseases and its relationship with some ophthalmological manifestations imposes a challenge to the practice of medicine in Primary Health Care and to the Cuban Higher Medical Education today.
Objective: to raise the methodological preparation of the teaching group of the Ophthalmology subject, to develop the diagnostic ability of ophthalmological manifestations present in some systemic diseases.
Method: a census sample was taken in the Ophthalmology department of the Hospital General Docente “Dr. Agostinho Neto” in Guantánamo, held during the 2019-2020 academic year, made up of 21 professors from this teaching group. Correspondingly, theoretical and empirical methods were used.
Results: it was identified that the professors of the Ophthalmology subject group were able to acknowledge the value of the relationship between professors, students and the group as personal components of the teaching-learning process, and understand that the framework of interpersonal relationships between them is established on the basis of categories, activity and communication. Regarding the non-personal didactic components, the teachers stated, both in in-depth interviews and in group interviews, that this type of methodological preparation was very useful for their teaching-care performance.
Conclusions: the methodological preparation carried out is pertinent and is contextualized to the potentialities and didactic-methodological insufficiencies identified in said teaching group, for the development of the diagnostic ability of ophthalmological manifestations present in some systemic diseases: cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, neoplasms and respiratory conditions.
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