2021, Number 6
Informational foundations for the morphometric study of placentas in twin pregnancies
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 696.18 Kb.
Introduction: in Cuba there are very few morphofunctional studies of placentas from twin pregnancies that allow establishing a general morphometric pattern. Implementing these informational databases would help to improve the actions of the National Sexual and Reproductive Health Program in the country. Objective: to systematize information on morphometric studies in twin placentas to build the epistemic basis for the characterization of the morphometric pattern of twin placentas and its relationship with chorionicity, the function of this organ and the degree of fetal and neonatal well-being. Method: a search strategy was applied in the period January 2020 to April 2021, in international databases (Medline, EMBASE, LILACS, Scopus, Google Scholar) for the bibliographic review, using the analysis and criticism method. of the sources from the content analysis procedure. An algorithm was used to make decisions about relevance, news, news and contributions. Results: 16 bibliographic sources were found on the research topic, among them: only one thesis (6.25%) and 4 edited texts (25.0%). Scientific articles (68.75%) from the last five years (93.75%) predominated. All the sources contributed to the construction of the theoretical referents. Conclusions: the morphometric study of the placenta in twin pregnancies is an insufficiently developed area in the knowledge of basic biomedical sciences, given the scarce bibliographic production on the subject.REFERENCES
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