2021, Number 4
Behavior of acute cerebrovascular disease in a rural area
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 359.35 Kb.
Introduction: acute cerebrovascular diseases are considered a vascular epidemic and a first-order social and health problem.Objective: to describe the behavior of cerebrovascular disease in patients who residing in a rural area associated to the Policlínico Comunitario “Juan Bruno Zayas” in Cifuentes, Villa Clara, period time 2019.
Method: a cross-sectional, descriptive observational study was carried out. The sample selected envolved 32 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A questionnaire was administered to patients and close relatives, and individual and family medical records were reviewed to identify the etiopathogenesis, month in which the cerebrovascular event occurred, associated risk factors, type of cerebrovascular disease, variant, and form of clinical presentation.
Results: group age 60 to 69 and male black patients, were predominant. Most common risk factors were: systemic arterial hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia. March was the month with the highest number of cases diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease. Cerebral infarction prevailed as the most frequent variant.
Conclusions: acute cerebrovascular disease is always associated with classical risk factors. Ischemic stroke predominates over hemorrhagic stroke. More than half of patients have elevated blood pressure during the cerebral event. Arising cases were higher during the months with lower temperatures.
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