2021, Number 6
Medical emergencies during dental practice
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 492.06 Kb.
Introduction: Medical emergencies can occur during dental practice.Objective: To address current issues in the epidemiology, prevention, clinical picture and treatment of the most frequent medical emergencies during dental treatment.
Material and Methods: A literature review was conducted in September 2021. Web of science impact journals (19 journals) were evaluated. Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, and SciELO databases were consulted using the following descriptors: “medical emergency”, “odontology treatment”, and “epidemiology”. Articles in Spanish and English were included, preferably those published within the last 5 years. A total of 31 articles were obtained and included as references in this article.
Development: Lipothymia and vasovagal syncope are the most frequent emergencies. The diagnosis based on pathological antecedents and clinical findings allows us to take appropriate behaviors. The current therapy advocates for the protocolization of care and justified use, supported by knowledge about a first-aid kit.
Conclusions: Medical emergencies can occur during dental practice, putting patients´ lives at risk. The incidence is changeable and the survival rate is high. The development of an adequate clinical history and training of the staff will prevent further complications.
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