2023, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2023; 43 (3)
Knowledge levels and attitudes of Muslim religious officials regarding organ transplantation
Soyer EO, Ozyürek P
Language: English
References: 23
Page: 130-137
PDF size: 225.90 Kb.
Introduction: The leadership
and attitudes of religious officials
in organ transplantation can be
an effective communication tool
in changing the public›s attitude
towards organ donation. Objective:
To determine the knowledge level
and attitudes of Muslim religious
officials working in a city center
regarding organ transplantation.
Materials and Methods: This
descriptive research was carried out
to determine the knowledge and
attitudes of 127 Muslim religious
officials working in a province of
Turkey regarding organ donation
and transplantation.
Results: The
mean age of the religious officials participating in
the research was 42.2±8.8 years, and 85.0% were
male. 92.9% of religious officials did not donate
organs, and 89.0% said they would recommend
organ donation. 74.0% answered «yes» to the
question «Would you like an organ transplant
if you needed it?» Organ-Tissue Donation and
Transplantation Knowledge Scale (ODTKS) were
used. The mean ODTKS score was 11.07±3.78.
The scale›s donor characteristics sub-dimension
mean score was 3.37±1.11, and the sub-dimension
score average of legal, ethical, and medical process
related to organ donation and transplantation was
7.69±3.01. There was a difference between the
groups according to educational status (p=.042),
considering donating their organs(p=.043),
and having an organ transplant in case of
need (p=.027).
Conclusion: The participant›s
knowledge was at a medium level, and the level
of knowledge increased as the educational status
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