2023, Number 4
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (4)
Factors associated with primary drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis
Becerril RJA, Fernández MRK, Ibarra AE, Navarrete FG, Romo SJC
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 616-622
PDF size: 218.61 Kb.
Objective: To know the risk factors associated with primary drug resistance.
Materials and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, comparative study
was carried out including patients with primary drug resistance identified in the first
semester of 2020, from the IMSS delegation of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Descriptive statistics
of the studied population were used, to estimate the association χ
2 and OR with
their respective confidence interval were used; the analysis was performed using the
SPSS statistical package.
Results: There were included 28 patients, 14 in each group. The mean age was 48
years, 20 were men, 12 had some degree of overweight or obesity, no HIV patients
were reported; 2/28 had a history of drug addiction, 8/28 a history of alcoholism and
7/28 a history of smoking, none of them showed a statistically significant difference.
The history of contact with drug resistance occurred in 8/14 cases (p = 0.02).
Conclusions: Personal or direct contact with a patient with drug-resistant tuberculosis
is a risk factor for primary drug resistance in pulmonary tuberculosis (OR 8.00;
p = 0.023); for the rest of the factors studied, no significant association was found.
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