2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Theory-based proposal for changing the behavior of adolescents consuming alcohol in excess
Jiménez-Padilla BI, Alonso-Castillo MM, Armendáriz-García NA, Flores-Garza PL
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 398-411
PDF size: 440.18 Kb.
Introduction: Alcohol consumption among adolescents is a growing and frequent problem.
Moreover, the episodic but excessive consumption of alcohol is becoming more common
among the population. This situation makes it necessary for the nursing professional practicing
in primary care to implement strategies and tools based on scientific evidence to
address this problem.
Objective: Based on the Change Intention Model Specific Situation Theory (I-Change), to develop
a proposal aimed at changing the behaviors of adolescents who binge drinking.
Development: The three steps methodology proposed by Fawcett was used. Using both
English and Spanish terms, as well as the boolean operators AND and OR, diverse databases,
were consulted regarding the literature on binge drinking. The conceptual theoreticalempirical
structure of the proposal based on the Specific Situation Theory (binge drinking)
was then constituted.
Conclusions: The present proposal offers an alternative to achieve a behavior change regarding
binge drinking through a motivational process of three phases: pre-motivational,
motivational, and post-motivational. This proposal can be implemented in order to address
the problem of binge drinking among adolescents. The findings derived from this
application can further provide evidence to the nursing professionals practicing alcohol
consumption prevention.
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