2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Design and validation of an instrument to assess the social and emotional skills of nursing students
Rodríguez-Jiménez LA, Juárez-Hernández LG, Herrera-Meza SR
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 355-367
PDF size: 305.11 Kb.
Introduction: Social-emotional Skills (SES) refer to integral behaviors representing adequate
management of emotions while achieving personal and social development. There
are diverse instruments to assess SES on university students in general, but not on nursing
students in particular.
Objective: To design an instrument to assess SES among nursing students and test its content
Methodology: An instrumental study was carried out that included the revision phases of
instruments to evaluate the SES: construction of the instrument; review and improvement
of the instrument by experts; content validation by 16 experts using Aiken’s V relevance
index; and pilot test of the instrument on 50 students and assess its reliability (
Alpha) and ease of comprehension.
Results: The instrument integrated 12 indicators (tolerance, collaborative work, adaptation
to the environment, efficacious communication, empathy, decision making, creativity, interpersonal
relationships, assertiveness, self-efficacy, resilience, and stress management).
Expert judgment revealed a content validity of Aiken’s V › 0.90. An acceptable value of reliability
(α= 0.786) and favorable opinion was obtained regarding the ease of comprehension
of the instrument.
Discussion and Conclusion: The assessment of SES on nursing students is fundamental
to improve and preserve their mental health, and foster their professional, personal, and
social development. This is a reliable, first-of-its-kind, and content-validated instrument.
Nevertheless, the analysis of its psychometric properties should be continued to keep improving
its quality.
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