2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Characterization of the scientific publications of nursing teachers of a private university: bibliometric analysis
Osorio-Castaño JH, Montoya-Zapata CP, Castañeda-Palacio HL
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 344-354
PDF size: 274.71 Kb.
Introduction: The number of citations that a published article receives is one form to visualize
a discipline’s scientific production. These citations represent a form for universities to
follow up on the articles published by their teaching staff within an institutional context.
Objective: To characterize the citations of the articles published by nursing teachers of a
private university in the city of Medellin, Colombia.
Methods: This is a descriptive and exploratory study. Articles published by the nursing
teachers were reviewed. The study variables included the characteristics of the published
articles and the journals where the publications have been cited. Tracking of the citations
was conducted on the Google Academic, Science Direct, and Scopus databases. The information
was analyzed through univariate descriptive statistics.
Results: 52 articles were reviewed. From these, 29 have been cited at least once. A total of 188
citations were recorded. Of these, 31 % are concentrated in 3 articles. The most cited articles
were those with topics related to addictions, with 21 % of the total citations. The most cited
article had 28 citations. Of the total citations, 41.5 % come from gray literature.
Discussion: The findings related to the bibliographical citations have relevance from various
perspectives. The social and academic perspectives allow a different dimension of knowledge
to overcome the plain vision of citation counting.
Conclusions: The level of citations given to the publications of the studied nursing teachers
is low. It is important to continue carrying out studies related to publication production
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