2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Nursing care and children’s rights: Experience in Family Health Centers
Sepúlveda-Rivas C, Rivas-Riveros E
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 329-343
PDF size: 250.59 Kb.
Introduction: During the last decade, the public health policies have experienced diverse
effective transformations and innovations. Now, the Lawful protection of children’s rights
has a broader scope and can go from considering their prevailing problems and risks to
visualizing their potential and desires.
Objective: To explore nursing care within the children’s rights frame from a public health
Methods: This is a qualitative research study that follows the guidelines of Charmaz.
The perceptions of 12 community health nursing workers were analyzed through semistructured
interviews. The central and fundamental categories were simultaneously
analyzed. The research study met Ezekiel Emanuel’s ethics criteria and was approved by the
scientific ethics committee.
Results: Two main categories arose: 1) the negative socialization towards the construction
of gender identity; and 2) the gap between the children’s rights and the role of the nursing
Discussion: Diverse studies show that nurses shape their roles in the context of family
rights; however, while dealing with health disparities, they are further driven by their social
points of view, their biases, and their prejudices, and these behaviors can have an influence
on the way patients utilize health services.
Conclusions: Children’s healthcare that nurses provide is not always based on tools to handle
the children’s rights. Moreover, there are still some public health policies that rely on
biology, assistance, and reason-focused programs which consider care only from a biomedical
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