2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Circadian and metabolic alterations among nursing personnel in a northeastern public hospital in Mexico
Zepeda-Ríos PA, Quintana-Zavala MO, López-Teros V, Candia-Plata MC, Bautista-Jacobo A, García-Puga JA
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 314-328
PDF size: 300.17 Kb.
Introduction: Metabolic alterations are linked to biologic rhythms because these cycles
control physiologic patterns including sleep/awake, body temperature, blood pressure, and
hormones release.
Objective: To identify the relationship between the metabolic syndrome components and
the circadian alterations among nursing personnel in a public hospital in Mexico.
Method: This is a correlational study. The sample was constituted of 30 nursing professionals
working in 2 shifts. Data were collected using three registers: a) bio socio-demographic
and labor-related backgrounds; b) metabolic syndrome; c) circadian cycle. Chi-square,
Pearson’s R, Spearman’s Rho, and Shapiro-Wilk normality test were calculated. The study
approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of the Health Institution. The corresponding
informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Results: 43.3 % of the nursing personnel qualified for the metabolic syndrome diagnostic
criteria. 100 % of the nurses working the night shift showed circadian alterations in terms
of sleep patterns. Alcohol consumption and high levels of triglycerides were positively and
significantly related to insomnia (p ≤ 0.001; p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: The metabolic syndrome is a health problem with a high prevalence in all kinds
of nursing personnel. Bodyweight and triglyceride levels were indicators suggesting altered
sleep patterns. This situation highlights the importance of designing and implementing
strategies aimed at preventing and addressing metabolic syndrome among nursing personnel
as a labor health priority.
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