2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Machismo relationship with type 2 diabetes mellitus acceptance among adult men
Mendoza-Catalán G, Figueroa-Perea JG, Gallegos-Cabriales EC, Salazar-González BC, Onofre-Rodríguez DJ, Juárez-Medina LL
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 285-295
PDF size: 217.39 Kb.
Introduction: Accepting a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus contributes to the adherence
to the treatment and control of the illness; however, it has been reported that men tend
to have a lower acceptance of this diagnosis. Among Mexican men, in particular, this low
acceptance could be related to their machismo.
Objective: To identify the relationship of machismo with the acceptance of a type 2 diabetes
mellitus diagnosis.
Methodology: This is a transversal and correlational study. The population of interest were
Mexican men diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus between 20 and 59 years registered
in centers of primary attention in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. The sample was constituted
of 121 participants chosen by convenience. The instruments used were the Conformity to
Masculine Norms Inventory and the Acceptance Scale for DM2. The statistical analysis and
the multiple linear regression model were carried out using SPSS v25.
Results: Findings suggest that men who show machismo, who have long labor shifts, and
who consume large quantities of cigarettes tend not to accept a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
mellitus. Regarding the subdimensions of the machismo construct, homophobia was the
best predictor of accepting or not a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Conclusions: Healthcare professionals should develop programs aimed at improving the
acceptance attitude of a type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosis among men, including those
with machismo, in order to better manage self-care, glucose control, and also prevent
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