2021, Number 3
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Enfermería Universitaria 2021; 18 (3)
Professional identity, critical incidents and coping strategies in Matronería professors
Altamirano-Droguetta J, Nail-Kröyerb Ó, Monereo-Fontc C, Salazar-Llanosd Y
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 271-284
PDF size: 270.35 Kb.
Introduction: The teaching professional identity is constituted by the cognitive, psicomotor,
and affective dimensions which arise from the activity. Critical incidents in university
scenarios can allow radical changes in these representations when reflection is the coping
strategy. Our study adds new knowledge to midwifery teaching.
Objectives: To establish the relationships among the dimension of professional identity of
midwifery teachers and the related coping strategies towards critical incidents in the context
of education, as well as to determine those strategies used by teachers for each critical
Method: This is a transversal and correlational study with probabilistic and by-convenience
sampling with 231 teachers of 21 Chilean universities. The Professional identity of midwifery
teachers and coping strategies towards critical incidents questionnaire was used.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated.
Results: A significant statistical relationship was found between the professional identity
dimensions and the coping strategies towards unexpected incidents. Reflexive approaches
were determinant among the teachers of this study.
Discussion and conclusions: The components of identity vary as a function of the coping
approach. The academic position of research on the cognitive dimension reflects the greatest
concern due to its incipient state. The reflexive posture is prevalent among the teachers
of this study; nevertheless, critical incidents are addressed only in a temporary form.
Therefore, in this study, we suggest the need to offer programs on the management of critical
incidents in education contexts, as well as research methodologies that can allow a
reconceptualization of the university teacher.
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