2023, Number 09
Description of the level of knowledge about the signs and symptoms of obstetric alarm in pregnant women
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 637-644
PDF size: 201.55 Kb.
Objective: To describe the level of knowledge of obstetric alarm signs and symptoms in pregnant women.Materials and Methods: Selective and descriptive case series study carried out in the Family Medicine Unit 16, Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexicali, Baja California, between January and June 2022. Study variables: age, sex, education and level of knowledge of warning signs and symptoms through a survey prepared according to the criteria of the Clinical Practice Guide. Descriptive statistics were performed using SPSSv24.
Results: 150 pregnant patients were screened. A low level of knowledge of warning signs and symptoms was observed in 15 cases, a medium level in 47 cases and a high level in 88 cases (58.7%). Regarding the characteristics of the population, the age range was 20-34 years, 47.3% had secondary education, followed by high school with 35.3%, and 80.7% reported being employed. Thirty-four per cent were in the first trimester of pregnancy and 48.7 per cent in the second trimester.
Conclusions: The level of knowledge of pregnant patients attending the unit is high and medium in terms of being able to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of pregnancy, particularly in the second trimester, in line with national and international studies. The predominant age group was 20-34 years, with secondary and higher education.
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