2021, Number 6
Information architecture for the management of the drugstore at ''Pedro Borras Astorga'' University Polyclinic, Pinar del Rio
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 838.65 Kb.
Introduction: the pharmacy system of the polyclinic ensures the distribution of medicines distributed to the different services and medical offices, the control of the outlets, stock, as well as the orders to the supplying stores. It is therefore necessary to improve, through computerization, the management of information in the pharmacy of the polyclinic.Objective: to design the information architecture that supports the management process of the drugstore at Pedro Borras Astorga University Polyclinic, Pinar del Rio.
Methods: a technological development research was carried out on the information management of the drugstore of the polyclinic following the methodology of software development for Extreme Programming, and applying theoretical and empirical methods for the analysis, review and modeling of the processes to be computerized.
Results: as a final product, the information architecture for the management of the drugstore of the polyclinic was developed, from which the prototype of the computer application was designed, which facilitated the analysis with the clients of the desired functions.
Conclusions: the research is basic for the computerization and management of the drugstore in the polyclinic. The prototype developed will allow the programmers to implement the computer application that will contribute, in the future, to the development of the process and decision-making as a result of the management of the information generated.
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