2023, Number 24
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CuidArte 2023; 12 (24)
Prevalence and intensity of symptoms during outpatient chemotherapy in patients of a tertiary care unit
Rodríguez CD, Guatemala PJ, Velázquez ME, Quintana SA, Reyes GV
Language: Spanish
References: 22
PDF size: 360.16 Kb.
Introduction. Antineoplastic chemotherapy is one of the systemic cancer treatment modalities that is carried
out through the administration of cytotoxic drugs, however, it causes symptoms during its administration.
Objetive. To determine the prevalence and intensity of symptoms in patients who received outpatient
chemotherapy treatment in a tertiary care unit.
Methodology. Quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective and
analytical research. Carried out from March 1 to April 1, 2022 in the outpatient chemotherapy service of a
tertiary care unit. Sample of 50 patients from 18 to 65 years of age without distinction of sex with a diagnosis
of solid tumors. The instrument “Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS)” was used.
Results. Exhaustion
and difficulty sleeping are the main symptoms that occur during chemotherapy treatment, while the general
feeling of malaise and shortness of breath occur as the least frequent. Regarding the intensity of the symptoms,
exhaustion and difficulty sleeping are the symptoms that occur with greater intensity, compared to pain and
shortness of breath, which are the symptoms with less intensity. By means of the complementary statistical
analysis, differences in the intensity score of the symptoms between participants were determined.
The prevalence and intensity of symptoms in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment were identified.
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