2021, Number 5
Hemophagocytic syndrome in pediatrics: a case report
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-8
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Introduction: hemophagocytic syndrome is a serious disease characterized by exaggerated activation of the immune system and increased cytotoxic and macrophagic-lymphocytic activity, which can be potentially fatal.Case report: 3-month-old female infant, white skin, born of a normal pregnancy, eutocic delivery at 39 weeks of gestation, with a birth weight of 3,6 kg, Apgar 9:9, without pre-, peri- or post-natal complications. She was referred to the hospital because of vomiting, somnolence, fever and poor weight gain, the physical examination showed visceromegaly, in the complementary tests the aminotransferases were very high, TGP: 1540 and TGO: 1590, as well as FA 800 UI/L, GGT 100UI/L and triglycerides 2mmol/L, hemogram with leukocytosis 19 x 109 /L with 82 % of lymphocytes, in the medullogram an intramedullary macrophage activity is verified. Treatment was initiated according to protocol, but she did not show improvement, evolving torpidly to a multiple organ failure and died.
Conclusions: hemophagocytic syndrome is infrequent and requires a high index of suspicion. Knowledge of the criteria present in this condition would allow the diagnostic thinking, as well as the early and effective therapeutic for patients, with better survival rate.
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