2021, Number 5
Patient safety culture among nursing personnel in an institution in Buenos Aires suburbs
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 418.84 Kb.
Introduction: nursing staff should provide a care of quality for patients, always preserving the patient safety.Objective: to determine the perception of patient safety culture in the nursing staff of a private institution in Buenos Aires metropolitan area.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out between May and June 2021 in a private institution in Buenos Aires metropolitan area. The sample consisted of 94 nursing professionals. The Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture in its Spanish version was applied as an instrument.
Results: the 87,2 % of the nurses worked exclusively in health care activities. Patient safety culture showed a neutral to positive response. With respect to dimensions 3 to 10, which refer to safety at the service level, the expectations and actions of the service management to promote patient safety culture at the hospital level, where problems are evident in shift changes or transitions between units, as well as in teamwork.
Conclusions: the perception of the nursing staff concerning patient safety culture is low, with a pattern characterized by a lack of openness in communication, low expectations and actions on the part of the administration team, and deficiencies in teamwork.
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