2021, Number 5
Actions for the training of the teaching staff in the department of basic sciences at Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 511.93 Kb.
Introduction: the training of the staff at a teaching department in a university should be measured by the improvement of the quality of the research and teaching-learning process; therefore the role of this department in the process of training the teaching staff of the School of Medical Sciences is important.Objective: to propose actions to contribute to the training of the teaching staff in the department of basic sciences at Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences during the academic year 2019-2020.
Methods: an organizational-type study was carried out; theoretical and empirical methods were applied. Nine executives were surveyed. Techniques: Brainstorming, Ishikawa Diagram and SWOT Matrix. The variables evaluated were the teaching ranks, scientific and research categories of the staff. For data processing, descriptive statistics was applied and the results were analyzed by means of absolute and relative frequency.
Results: professors were in the teaching ranks of instructor or assistant (72 %). The number of PhD and full professors is not enough. Professors in the research category are insufficient. Lack of organization involving research, professional and teaching work was identified, scarce planning of the academic figures in accordance with the needs of the teaching staff, and the fact that the training of professors is not taken into consideration as an expression of example.
Conclusions: the main problems affecting the training of the teaching staff were identified, as well as insufficiencies related to the organization, evaluation and control, a proposal of actions to improve the process of training the teaching staff was made.
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