2023, Number 4
Approaches to the Profile of the Patient with Prostate Cancer: Experience in a Family Medicine Unit of Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 167-170
PDF size: 262.93 Kb.
Objective: To determine the profile of the patient with prostate cancer in a Family Medicine Unit. Methods: Retrospective study in clinical records of the Family Medicine Unit Number 16 of Mexicali, Mexico. Census of 56 files the variables studied were: family history, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, high-fat diet, overweight or obesity, diabetes, lower urinary tract obstructive symptoms, prostate antigen, and rectal examination. Descriptive statistics were used using the statistical program SPSSv24. Results: the average age of participants was 72.64 years, 60.71% had secondary education, 89.28% were pensioners, 55.35% with a family history of prostate cancer, 85.71% diet rich in fat, 98.21% sedentary lifestyle, 80.35% obesity, 100% diabetes, 100% had low urinary tract symptomsand elevated prostate antigen. Conclusions: The clinical and demographic profile of patients in this study is similar to those reported internationally: age 70 to 80 years, consumption of foods rich in fat, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, obesity and diabetes. All had lower urinary tract prostatic symptoms and elevated serum prostate antigen values.REFERENCES
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