2023, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2023; 25 (4)
Association of Quality of Life in Adults with and without Arterial Hypertension with a History of COVID-19 Disease
Collazo LJJ, García OBE, Ortega VG, Haro AME, Barreras SA
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 149-152
PDF size: 204.09 Kb.
Objective: To associate quality of life in adults
with and without high blood pressure with a history
of COVID-19.
Methods: A case-control study was
conducted in adults with and without high blood
pressure with a history of COVID-19 from August to
October 2021. In the Family Medicine Unit No.16 of
Mexicali, Mexico. Random sampling. The sample
size was calculated with the number of repetitions
formula to compare 2 groups, with a reliability of
95% and a power of 80%, in a 1:1 ratio, obtaining
a sample of 60 patients for each group. The SF-
12 questionnaire was applied to assess the quality
of life.
Results: poor quality of life in patients
with hypertension and COVID-19 was 85% in the
physical sphere and 53.3% in the mental sphere
vs 63.3% and 48.3% respectively in the group
without hypertension.
Conclusions: Patients with
a history of hypertension with COVID-19 present
more impairment in their quality of life and more
post-COVID-19 symptoms than those who do not
suffer from hypertension.
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