2023, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2023; 13 (2)
Cognitive remediation therapy in bulimia nervosa: A case study
Alvarado-Sánchez N, Alvarez-Rayón G, Aizpuru PA, Mancilla-Diaz JM
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 199-208
PDF size: 150.87 Kb.
The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary evaluation of cognitive remediation therapy (CRT)
in a patient with bulimia nervosa (BN). The participant was 20 years old with a 22.41kg/m2 body mass
index (BMI). Under a pre-post treatment design, the patient was administered four neuropsychological
tests, three measures of BN symptoms and two of psychiatric symptomatology (depression and
anxiety). Based on the pre and post CRT scores, the objective clinical change (OCC) was calculated. The
main neuropsychological effects were observed in cognitive flexibility, visoconstructive processing
(memory and central coherence) and working memory (OCC = 0,39-0,99). Relevant changes were also
identified in the measures of psychiatric symptomatology and BN (OCC = 0,53-0,88), with no change
in BMI. This study adds evidence regarding the usefulness of CRT in the multidisciplinary treatment
not only of anorexia nervosa, but also extends its applicability to another eating disorder, BN.
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