2023, Number 08
Considerations in the management of post-ERCP perforation: an exploration through scientific evidence
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has assumed a pivotal role as a therapeutic tool in addressing biliary and pancreatic pathologies. Currently, it has become a routine procedure in numerous hospital settings. Although complications such as pancreatitis, hemorrhage, and perforation are infrequent in these patients, the omission of early treatment can lead to severe consequences. Hence, a comprehensive understanding of its management is imperative.Perforations, arising from various causes, most commonly relate to sphincterotomy. Delay in diagnosis and treatment can potentially elevate mortality rates. It is crucial to consider the mechanism, location, and extent of the lesion, alongside clinical and imaging findings, when deciding between a surgical or non-surgical approach. Well-defined protocols for managing these perforations are lacking, and the conducted studies lack sufficient robustness to generate significant statistical data. To address this deficiency, we have undertaken an exhaustive literature review to present the latest evidence concerning surgical management.
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