2021, Number 4
Cochlear implant and auditory-verbal therapy at ''Pepe Portilla'' Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 322.14 Kb.
Introduction: oral language is mainly based on acoustic information. Hypoacusis is the partial loss of hearing capacity; from 40 decibels and above, its presence has an impact on the acquisition of language functions and the overall development of the child.Objective: to describe the evolution of a clinical case of a hearing impaired patient with cochlear implant after the application of an auditory-verbal therapy.
Case report: a 10-year-old and 7 months boy with delayed language development due to a Deep Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss of presumed congenital origin, after being diagnosed early with this disease he was included in the National Cochlear Implant Program in order to improve his hearing abilities and thus facilitate auditory feedback. After surgery, he began to undergo auditory-verbal therapy to promote the proper acquisition of language functions.
Conclusions: hearing impaired children can learn to listen and speak through early diagnosis and intervention, appropriate technology and with the perseverance of parents and therapists who share the vision of giving voice to the future of the child. It is important to keep in mind that the appropriate treatment, the intellectual capacity of children and the family environment condition the successful evolution of the therapies applied.
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