2021, Number 4
Relation waist-to-height index with morbidity and cardiometabolic risk in the adults from Pinar del Rio province
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 468.23 Kb.
Introduction: waist-to-height index is an anthropometric indicator that has captured interests as useful marker to measure the central adiposity and cardiometabolic risk.Objective: to demonstrate the relation of waist-to-height index with morbidity and cardiometabolic risk in the adults from Pinar del Rio province.
Methods: and observational, analytical and cross-sectional research was carried out in 164 workers from Pinar del Rio University of Medical Sciences and Jesus Lemus Mirabal Polyclinic between September 2018 and February 2019. Anthropometric measures, measurement of blood pressure, hematological determination and an abdominal ultrasound were assessed; using the non-parametric tests of U and of Mann-Whitney for the comparison.
Results: the average age of the series of study was 48,4±12,58 years old. The anthropometric indicators of hip and waist circumferences and the body mass index [BMI] showed higher average values in the group with BMI ≥0,5. In the subjects who presented BMI ≥0,5 were found higher average levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid, than those who presented acceptable TBI values(p<0,05). The BMI showed positive and significant correlation (p<0,05) with the values of all the hematological-biochemical parameters applied. The anomalous values of cardiometabolic risk were concentrated among those showing BMI ≥0,50.
Conclusions: the waist-to-height index is a simple and valid indicator to identify the adults with increased cardiometabolic risk and morbidity from chronic noncommunicable diseases.
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