2023, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2023; 8 (2)
Legal medicine, medical ethics and medical law: Sciences or disciplines suitable for the exercise of the medical act
Araujo-Cuauro JC
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 82-104
PDF size: 346.54 Kb.
Purpose: Because there is a need to know and possess knowledge about legal or forensic
medicine, medical deontology and medical law, as sciences or disciplines that demarcate the
ethical and legal practice of medicine to keep in mind what is allowed and what is forbidden
in professional medical practice. The objective of this research is to determine how legal or
forensic medicine, deontology (ethics-bioethics) and medical law are convenient sciences or
disciplines for the practice of the medical act. Description: Legal or forensic medicine is a
powerful tool that allows the medical professional and the jurist to acquire and develop the
principles of Venezuelan medical legislation (Medical Law), to generate continuous medicallegal
knowledge and thus prevent complaints or accusations due to the circumstances of
undesired, and sometimes unpredictable, effects in the exercise of the medical act. Point of
view: The disproportionate way of proceeding has caused uneasiness, uneasiness and
anguish among physicians due to the plaintiff and litigant nature in which medicine has been
transformed. Conclusions: The normative knowledge, as it is known at the time of the
physician to carry out his/her medical act, is insufficient, as well as it is scarce at the time of
establishing legal guidelines that tends to protect, guarantee the life and health of people,
therefore, all these sciences or disciplines are convenient for the professional exercise of the
medical act.
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