2023, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2023; 8 (2)
Characterization of physical violence in the elderly in Cali city between the years 2019-2020
Benavides EMJ, Fernández HA, Henao JD, Herrera GS
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 65-81
PDF size: 549.84 Kb.
General objective: to characterize the epidemiological and clinical cases of violence in the
elderly, treated at the National Institute of Legal Medicine in the city of Cali, during the
period 2019 and 2020.
Materials and methods: the study was retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive,
observational, with a sample of 232 records that included elderly victims of violence residing
in Santiago de Cali. For the collection of information, the SICLICO application of the
INMLCF was used, which uses important variables for this investigation such as age, sex,
marital status, academic level, alleged aggressor, scene of the event, time of the event,
location of the event, affected system, disability, among others; and that it is obtained by
expert experts in the field. Epi-Info 7.2 software was used for the analyses. The investigation
was classified without risk.
Results: the assaulted people had an average age of 68.7 ± 7.8 years; they were women
(55.17%), with unfinished primary school (27.59%), single (20.31%), belonging more
frequently to lower strata located in communes 13, 14 and 8 of the city. The main aggressor
was the son (34.48%) and they presented themselves in situations of intolerance (64.66%)
that occurred mainly in the home where they lived (74.57%) precisely with the aggressor
(54.31%). In the victim, the main effects are on the skin (51.72%), generating permanent
disabilities in 51.29% of the cases, although in 65.22% there were no sequelae.
Conclusions: it was found that the main victims of physical violence were women, young
older adults, dedicated to housework, the aggressors being their children, cohabitants and
intolerant, who took advantage of the victim's home to attack her and mainly generating skin
lesions that did not require disability.
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