2021, Number 4
Humanization in the nursing care of tuberculosis patients
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 15-23
PDF size: 700.36 Kb.
Introduction: nursing care is characterized by being holistic and humanized, by considering the person in all dimensions, even more so in patients with tuberculosis, because it is a disease that goes beyond the clinical symptomatology, affecting socio-cultural and spiritual aspects. Providing humanized care by the nursing professional favors the success of the treatment and patient satisfaction. Objective: to identify the aspects of humanized care as an instrument that sustains human improvement in the patient with tuberculosis. Development: nursing has a decisive character in the care of the patient with tuberculosis, where what is relevant is an early diagnosis and treatment follow-up, in which the management of community leaders, associated to health institutions, should favor a humanized care and social insertion. Conclusions: the aspects that support human improvement in tuberculosis patients were identified, all of which leads to timely and quality care.REFERENCES
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