2023, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (08)
Pathophysiology of fetal programming and its impact on the future health
Vargas AVM, Beltrán BKM, Arroyo ÁK
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 588-599
PDF size: 231.70 Kb.
Background: During intrauterine life, alterations in the fetal microenvironment
caused by maternal nutritional and metabolic imbalances may leave epigenetic imprints
and persistent effects on fetal adult life that will predispose the fetus to future
chronic diseases.
Objective: To carry out a systematic review of the pathophysiology of fetal programming
and its impact on the future health of the fetus.
Methodology: Search in the PubMed database of articles published in the last 10
years, in English or Spanish, with the MeSH "fetal programming"; "pathophysiology",
with their corresponding translation. Original and review articles with PRISMA criteria
for systematic reviews were included.
Results: Thirty-eight articles were found, and seven were added for complementary
information and support for discussion. In their analysis the relationship between
the reported pathophysiological conditions of under-, under- and over-nutrition,
gestational diabetes mellitus, obesity, insulin resistance, glucocorticoids and preeclampsia
with diseases of childhood, adolescence and adulthood is clear. Evidence
of endocrine disruptors, melatonin and dysbiosis was found with diseases of childhood
and adulthood. Also, disruption of angiogenesis during lung development leads
to pulmonary arterial hypertension and emphysema, all caused by epigenetic fetal
programming. Differences were found in the methylation pattern of preterm placentas
compared to term placentas.
Conclusions: Abnormalities that occur during pregnancy modify fetal programming
and give rise to the diseases that will appear during childhood, adolescence, and
adulthood, because of changes in the methylation pattern of genes.
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