2023, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (08)
Robson index, c-section risk in a first level center in Mexico
Ramírez FDA, Ruiz CIL, Moreno LRJ, López SA, Fuentes AZR, Ayala-Yáñez R
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 570-580
PDF size: 205.02 Kb.
Objective: To determine, according to the Robson Index, the caesarean section rate
in patients attended, over a period of nine months, at the Maternal and Infant Research
Centre of the Childbirth Studies Group.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, single-centre
study carried out in pregnant patients attended at the Maternal and Infant Research
Centre of the Childbirth Study Group (CIMIGen) who terminated gestation by caesarean
section and in whom the Robson index was used for classification. Study parameters:
indications for caesarean section, risk of loss of fetal well-being, high labour progression,
failure of labour induction, macrosomia, short inter-gestational period (less than
18 months).
Results: We obtained 569 patients of whom 228 terminated pregnancy by caesarean
section and 341 by delivery, representing a caesarean section rate of 39.9%. Applying
Robson's classification method, the groups with the highest relative contribution to the
overall caesarean section rate were: group 1 (17.62%), group 2, subdivided into its
two categories: 2a with 19.38% and 2b 17.18%; and group 5.1 (22.91%) and group
5.2 (3.96%). The main indications for caesarean section were 1) risk of loss of fetal
well-being (18.9%), 2) failure of labour to progress (16.7%), 3) failure of induction of
labour (11.1%), 4) macrosomia (7.2%) and 5) short inter-gestational period (7.2%).
Conclusions: Robson's index pointed to groups 1, 2 and 5 as the largest contributors
to the caesarean section rate at CIMIGen. This trend, groups 1 and 2 with high
percentages, is also seen in other facilities in Mexico, which may indicate an obstetric
care practice that needs to be reviewed. This is also seen in other countries, although
the percentages are different but still considerable in groups 1, 2 and 5.
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