2021, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2021; 47 (4)
Contextual, family factors and risk factors and consequential diseases of atherosclerosis
Díaz-Perera FG, Alemañy PE, Alemañy Díaz-Perera C
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 893.24 Kb.
A compilation of researches was carried out that addresses the issue of the influence of contextual factors in families with risk factors and diseases consequential to atherosclerosis.
Show the influence of contextual factors in families with risk factors and diseases consequential to atherosclerosis.
Some researches carried out in the period 2012-2018 were analyzed; four articles and four theses were selected. Atherosclerosis was analyzed with a social approach where the object of research was the family and the context in which it lives and develops. The relative contribution of these spaces on individual and family health was estimated.
Sub-populations with higher levels of concentration of the disease burden and with their own risk profiles were identified and characterized. Context influences individual health. The pattern of associations between certain individual factors and the consequential diseases of atherosclerosis changes from one polyclinic to another. The analysis of the canonical correlation between contextual variables and risk factors allows to explain the variability in risk factors and consequential diseases.
The contextual analysis of the health situation will allow to continue the improvement of the solutions designed to face the health problems, eliminating or reducing the causes that gave rise to it, from its roots, with greater possibilities of influencing, both in the individual and in the family and the community, with appropriate actions for each context.
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