2021, Number 4
Work-life reconciliation strategy as a quality factor in dental services
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 667.81 Kb.
Introduction: The reconciliation of work-family life has a positive impact on the work, family environment and the quality of services.Objective: Establish a work-life reconciliation strategy as a factor in the quality of stomatological services at ´´Julio Antonio Mella´´ Clinic in Guantánamo.
Methods: An intervention study was conducted; the sampling was non-probabilistic according to the established selection criteria. The universe consisted of 10 stomatologists and five female managers, with their respective partners. For the collection of information, a questionnaire designed by the authors was applied, it was validated using expert criteria, and in-depth interviews were conducted.
Results: The structure dimension reached the value of -1.08 before the intervention and 0.73 after, the process dimension -0.39 before and 0.15 after; the result dimension had -0.71 before and 0.43 after, so that the three dimensions of quality of service were evaluated as adequate from the perspective of work-family life reconciliation for reaching values below 1 before the intervention and above that value after its completion ; the index of the current state of the organization before the intervention was -0.48 in the category of moderate regression, and after the intervention it was 0.54, placed in the category of moderate progress.
Conclusions: The evaluation of the strategy demonstrated its effectiveness at ´´Julio Antonio Mella´´ Clinic in Guantánamo province by modifying the value of the current state of the organization with its implementation towards positive results.
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