2023, Number 47
Problem-based learning: A curricular experience with students from the Gynecology Internship
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 91-97
PDF size: 699.91 Kb.
Introduction: Some universities seek to improve teaching in the medical career, problem-based learning is an alternative that would displace the traditional system.Objective: Describe students’ educational experience and satisfaction with the application of PBL in a semester of the Medicine Internship of the year 2022 in the subject of gynecology and obstetrics.
Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study through the application of a survey, a random sample of 150 students was taken from a population of 450 interns belonging to the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Medicine studying Gynecology-Obstetrics of the rotating internship. For information collection, research techniques and instruments were applied, both for primary and secondary information.
Results: This strategy allowed students to be active, and critical and deepen the knowledge previously acquired, according to the surveys raised at the end of the classes presented 80% satisfaction with this strategy.
Conclusions: The teaching strategy allowed medical interns to have a more active, cooperative, and critical participation that was student-centered; demonstrated by the percentage of satisfaction and support in the difficulties presented by the teacher.
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