2023, Number 47
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (47)
Mental well-being, sense of coherence and sociodemographic factors in family medicine resident physicians
Ramos-Valle D, Saucedo-Martínez MG, Muñoz-Reyna PA
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 77-90
PDF size: 540.94 Kb.
Introduction: The World Health Organization considers
that the university should be a social space in which
health is promoted to improve or prevent diseases in the
school community. In the various clinical-educational settings
in which medical residents carry out their specialization,
situations occur that affect their physical and mental
health. The sense of coherence is their ability to perceive
that you are competent and to handle any of these situations,
regardless of what is going in their life, is an ability
to select the coping style that best fits a given situation.
Objective: To determine the relationship between mental
wellness, sense of coherence and sociodemographic
factors of interest in resident physicians specializing in
family medicine.
Method: A cross-sectional predictive study was carried
out, with the participation of family medicine residents,
with prior informed consent, sociodemographic factors
were collected, their sense of coherence and mental wellness
were measured by applying valid and reliable instruments.
Using a generalized linear model, the relationship
between these variables was estimated, adjusting for
academic grade, p ≤ 0.05 values were considered statistically
Results: Sense of coherence was significantly associated
with mental wellness (B = 0.223, CI 95% [0.137, 0.309],
p = 0.000), in first-degree residents (B = –7.573, CI 95%
[–12.637, –2.508], p = 0.003) and in second-degree residents
(B = –6.336, CI 95% [–11.925, –0.748], p = 0.026).
The deviance analysis (D2 = 0.6427) indicates that sense
of coherence and academic degree reveal 64% of the
variability of mental well-being.
Conclusions: The sense of coherence had a significant
relationship with the mental well-being in resident physicians
specializing in family medicine; therefore, interventions
aimed at promoting a sense of coherence can be
designed and used to mitigate their mental well-being.
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