2023, Number 47
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (47)
Quality of pharmaceutical industry publicity flyers and medical education
Peredo-Silva L, Reyes-Morales H, Guizar-García LA, Almeida-Gutiérrez E, Páez-Moreno R, Lifshitz A, Mino-León D
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 58-66
PDF size: 481.38 Kb.
Introduction: It has been reported that 15% of the promotional
products from the pharmaceutical industry (PI)
include information not supported by the results of the
original research.
Objective: Evaluate the validity of the scientific information
that supports the data included in the pharmaceutical
industry promotional brochures for internists and cardiologists
and reconcile the information.
Method: Promotional brochures were collected during
national conferences of Internal Medicine (IM) and Cardiology
(C), and 10 promotional brochures of each medical
specialty were randomly selected. Three researchers
evaluated the quality of the references, and the validity of
the original research and compared the information from
the promotional brochure and the original publication.
Descriptive statistical analysis was performed.
Results: 57 IM and 16 C promotional brochures were
collected; the quality of the references of 4 promotional
brochures from IM was classified as “moderate” evidence
and the references of 4 promotional from C were identified
as “non-scientific” evidence. Clinical trials of IM and
C were evaluated as valid and an observational study of
C was classified as invalid. Comparison between promotional
information and the original study detected differences
in four IM and four C promotions, according to
the ethical criteria for the promotion of medicines by the
World Health Organization (WHO) the lack of accuracy
predominated, and in some cases, the information was
not reliable and/or true.
Conclusions: Training in critical lectures is crucial for
medical doctors. This will allow them a critical review of
promotional information from PI, to identify the ones that
may lead to inappropriate prescription.
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