2023, Number 47
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Inv Ed Med 2023; 12 (47)
Virtualization of the service-learning methodology and the perception of the participants during the pandemic
Trunce-Morales ST, Villarroel QGP, García AKI, Trunce-Morales JB
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 45-57
PDF size: 523.24 Kb.
Introduction: Virtual service learning (APSv) is defined as
an innovative modality that develops significant learning
in students and responds to the needs of the community
without geographical restrictions. In the nutrition and dietetics
career of a public university in southern Chile,
the APSv was implemented, in the subject “Adult clinical
nutrition workshop”.
Objective: To determine the perception of students and
community partners about the virtualization experience
of the implemented service-learning strategy.
Method: Design of mixed, exploratory, non-experimental,
descriptive and cross-sectional model. The sample
was intentional non-probabilistic of 43 students and 22
community partners who met the inclusion criteria. The
APSv strategy was carried out through 5 stages and at
the end the perception of the students was evaluated
through a focus group and self-evaluation. Community
partners responded to the “Evaluation of the servicelearning
methodology in virtuality”. The ethical aspects
were safeguarded according to the ethical principles of
Results: A high level of satisfaction was observed on the
part of community partners (about 90% “strongly agree”).
The average self-assessment of the students was 6.52
(scale of grades 1.0 to 7.0). Highlighting that over 90%
agree or strongly agree with their performance in relation
to generic competencies. Regarding the perception
of the time spent, motivation, study of the contents
and satisfaction, the students expressed an average of
66% to be “very much in agreement”. The APSv strategy
was associated with the concepts of; Professional skills,
motivation, effective communication, strengths, feelings,
emotions, reflection, feedback, teamwork, virtuality and
Conclusions: The APSv favors the integration of competences
that link students with the community through
digital tools, achieving meaningful learning, favoring university
social responsibility.
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