2021, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2021; 26 (4)
Bromatology and quantification of metabolites in green and yellow leaves of Moringa oleifera
Lago AV, Almora HE, Pereira CLB, Monteagudo BR, Campa HC, Rodríguez JE
Language: Spanish
References: 39
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Introduction: Moringa is a tree native to India and is currently widely distributed throughout the tropics and introduced to America. It has gained great popularity for its nutritional and functional benefits. Proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and secondary metabolites have been quantified in fresh leaves (both green and yellow). This attributes to it uses in food, in medicine, as a soil improver, as a raw material and in the cosmetics industry.
Objective: To characterize the leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam. for its use as a nutritional supplement.
Methods: Hydroalcoholic extracts were prepared from the leaves. The concentration of total extractable solids, polyphenols, flavonoids and macronutrients was determined.
Results: The flavonoid content in the yellow leaves was 40.64% lower than that of the green leaves, while the polyphenol content was higher. In relation to the pigment content, it was found that carotenes and beta-carotenes were lower in yellow leaves (20%) compared to green leaves (90.93%). Likewise, a lower concentration of chlorophyll b than chlorophyll a was found. The macronutrient content in fats, ashes and starch in the yellow leaves was higher than in the green leaves, and the values of proteins and fibers also showed differences.
Conclusions: The yellow leaves of Moringa oleifera have nutritional value, so they can be collected with green leaves for greater use of plant material and can be used as a nutritional supplement.
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