2021, Number 3
Preparation and physicochemical characterization of hydroalcoholic extracts of Justicia secunda Vahl. (blood root)
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: Justicia secunda Vahl. (Acanthaceae) is a plant species known by some people in Cuba as “blood root”. This plant is used to prepare a folk remedy which is very effective against osteoarticular pain. The plant is attributed antidiarrheal, antianemic, antiurolithiasic, hypoglycemic, antiseptic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and uricosuric properties, among others.Objective: Characterize hydroalcoholic extracts of this plant with a view to future phytomedicine formulations.
Methods: A part of the drug was dried in the sun, and the rest in the shade. The drug was fragmented manually, and the powder obtained was used to prepare a fluid extract. The latter was then used to make 5, 10 and 15% tinctures by dilution. All preparations underwent physicochemical characterization.
Results: The optimal drying method was in the sun. Physicochemical description in terms of organoleptic characteristics, refraction index, total solids, pH, relative density and capillary analysis of the preparations led to the establishment of standard parameters in keeping with the method used.
Conclusions: Hydroalcoholic extracts of the plant species Justicia secunda were obtained and characterized. These preparations may be used in preclinical studies aimed at demonstrating their therapeutic potential and to formulate new phytomedicines.
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