2023, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (4)
Persuasive messages in social networks from unhealthy food and beverage industry
García A, Valero-Morales I, Valbuena-Gregorio E, Olivas-Aguirre FJ, Tolentino-Mayo L, Barquera S, Nieto C
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 377-386
PDF size: 345.75 Kb.
Objective. To identify the persuasive messages used by
the unhealthy food and beverage industry in the most visited
social media by Mexican children and adolescents and to determine
the age group they were aimed at.
Materials and
methods. 892 posts from the 20 most consumed unhealthy
food and beverage products and brands in Mexico were
analyzed, published on the official accounts of these products
and brands on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The
primary message was determined and classified as emotional
or rational, and the target audience: children, adolescents, or
Results. On Facebook, the proportion of ads with
emotional messages (50.7%) and rational messages (49.3%)
was similar. On YouTube, there was a higher proportion of
rational messages (60.2%). There were 2.9 more chances for
an emotional persuasive message to be aimed at children or
teenagers in comparison to messages that do not have directed
Conclusion. The nature of the persuasive
messages analyzed depends on the social network in which
they were presented. It is important to regulate the advertising
of unhealthy foods and beverages on social networks that
seeks to influence the behavior and purchasing decisions of
children and adolescents.
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