2023, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (4)
Perceptions, knowledge, and practices of breastfeeding in indigenous regions of Mexico during Covid-19 pandemic
Morales-Domínguez MC, Bonvecchio-Arenas A,Lozada-Tequeanes AL, Unar-Munguía M, Haycock-Stuart E, Smith P
Language: English
References: 34
Page: 370-376
PDF size: 272.28 Kb.
Objective. To explore the perceptions, knowledge, and
practices of breastfeeding in the context of Covid-19 of
pregnant and postpartum women, midwives, and health
providers in an indigenous region of Chiapas, Mexico.
Materials and methods. Qualitative thematic analysis
study involving semi-structured interviews (n = 46) with
pregnant women (n = 19), postpartum women (n = 6),
health providers (n = 10, i.e., doctors/nurses), and midwives
(n = 11).
Results. Among mothers, 47% (n = 11) did not
know if Covid-19 is transmitted through breastfeeding. They
mentioned that they would stay away from their newborns
if infected. Health providers and midwives have not received
education or any supporting material on the value
of breastfeeding during Covid-19 infection.
Breastfeeding mothers’ promotion and counseling remain
poor in indigenous communities and have worsened during
the Covid-19 pandemic. Breastfeeding training among health
providers and midwives should be provided or strengthened
even more in emergency situations.
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