2023, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (4)
Effect of stressful life events in suicidal behavior in women during the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico
Rivera-Rivera L, Palacios-Hernández B, Austria-Corrales F, Séris-Martínez M, Pérez-Amezcua B, Jiménez-Tapia A, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Toledano-Toledano F, Gómez-García JA, Astudillo-García CI
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 344-352
PDF size: 341.90 Kb.
Objective. To assess the factorial structure and convergent
and divergent validity of the Columbia Suicide Severity Scale
(CSSRS) and the Questionnaire of Stressful Life Events (SLE)
in a sample of Mexican women and to analyze the association
between stressful life events (SLE) and suicidal behavior
(SB) in Mexican women during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods. Data from 2 398 women who
participated in a multicenter study were used. The study was
carried out in Mexico between May and October 2021. The
information was collected through an online questionnaire
that included the CSSRS and the SLE. A confirmatory factor
analysis was performed to assess the goodness of fit of
both questionnaires.
Results. The final model showed an
association between CB and SLE and identified violence as
the central variable. The model had a good fit (CFI = 0.950,
IFI = 0.950, MFI = 0.975, RMSEA = 0.031, CI RMSEA = 0.026-
Conclusions. The Covid-19 pandemic evidenced
the need to create and implement strategies to promote
mental health care, reduce exposure to violence, and facilitate
mourning processes to prevent SB in Mexican women.
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