2023, Number 3
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Medicina & Laboratorio 2023; 27 (3)
Classic Hodgkin lymphoma: different faces, same entity
Orejuela-Erazo J, Bedoya-López M, Díaz-Macea DR, Santiago-Pacheco V
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 245-261
PDF size: 844.77 Kb.
Classic Hodgkin lymphoma is a malignant lymphoid neoplasm derived
from B cells in the germinal center, and accounts for approximately 85% of all Hodgkin
lymphoma cases. This disease mainly affects young patients and has an excellent
prognosis due to advances in diagnostic methods for staging and treatment. A
correct and complete diagnostic approach requires a thorough clinical history and
an adequate lymph node biopsy for the analysis and identification of characteristic
histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Unlike other lymphomas
where neoplastic cells are an important or dominant population, Reed-Sternberg/
Hodgkin cells generally represent less than 10% of the tumor lesion. Although much
remains to be understood about the biological nature of this lymphoma and its different
subtypes, considerable progress has been made in understanding its lymphomagenesis
in recent years, especially when it is related to Epstein-Barr virus infection.
Its high heterogeneity and possible morphological overlap require ongoing
study to identify it and its possible differential diagnoses in cases where it presents
with a rare variant or pattern. This article aims to provide a comprehensive updated
summary on the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, histopathological diagnosis,
with emphasis on rare patterns that could become distracting and confusing
factors, and prognosis of classic Hodgkin lymphoma, seeking to achieve a better
understanding of the disease.
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