2023, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2023; 43 (2)
Acute diarrhea in children. In-office treatment
Ramírez SMLP, Calva RRG, Rojas EV, Pérez CS
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 74-80
PDF size: 153.31 Kb.
Acute diarrhea in children is a public health problem in our country. The cases persist despite vaccination against
rotavirus and other strategies, such as the recommendation of breastfeeding, use of drinking water, drainage, and
dietary hygiene measures. Strategies have not been sufficient and hospital emergency rooms continue to receive
children with diarrhea and dehydration. The most involved germs are viruses, followed by bacteria. The use of
antibiotics should be for patients with severe or immunosuppressed disease, in these patients the antimicrobial
treatment is empirical and is modified according to the result of the stool culture, antimicrobial susceptibility and
clinical course. The use of an antimicrobial should preferably be considered to act locally and not affect the intestinal
microbiota. New vaccines are currently being evaluated to reduce the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of the
pediatric population. In this communication, the knowledge and management of diarrhea at the outpatient level are
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