2023, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2023; 8 (1)
SARS-COVID-19 pandemic. A critical look from medical deontological-legal responsibility in Venezuela
Araujo-Cuauro JC
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 145-177
PDF size: 416.23 Kb.
Purpose: the purpose of this article is to expose and assume a critical and constructive position facing the reality of the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic and its complex consequences from the perspective of the medical deontological-legal responsibility, according to the Venezuelan regulations to this exceptional eventuality of the pandemic.
Approach: The pandemic caused by SARS-COVID-19 has generated in the world population in general a series of great changes, challenges and uncertainty; however, it is not strange to anyone that the health sector has been and is the one that has had to face more challenges and challenges due to being in the first line of attack against this infectious disease
Description: In the context, on the thematic of the medical deontological-legal responsibility has occupied a great importance; since the gradual and ascending demand, the scarcity of resources (medical supplies, specialized personnel, personal biosecurity measures. Among others) as well as the complexity of this COVID-19 disease.
Point of view: Medical-health liability is not contingent on the success or failure of a treatment. Legally, what is relevant is the conduct deployed and the damage is only an indication that there may have been negligent conduct, this leads to the posing of various problematic dilemmas from their deontological-legal considerations and consequences.
Conclusion: This pandemic medical-health crisis exists and there is a breach of the ethical, biotic, deontological and legal standards of both the responsibility of the physician and of the Venezuelan medical assistance of the State, specifically, an unjustified violation of the fundamental rights of the patients
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