2003, Number 1
Index of corporal mass and its relation with hyperglycemia in Family Medicine Units of IMSS Tlalnepantla zone from the State of Mexico
Ruvalcaba DMC, García GAJ, Espinoza CME
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 18-20
PDF size: 46.57 Kb.
Objective: To identify to patient with risk factors for development diabetes mellitus, with the purpose of offering opportune dietary treatment. Material and methods: The present investigation was carried out in five units of first level of attention of the area Tlalnepantla, of the Delegation of Mexico it Guides. He/she was carried out an observational, prospective and traverse study, taking a sample of 679 patients to who you/they were carried out determination of index of corporal mass and level of capillary glucemia, and it analyzed antecedents I inherit family and personal not pathological, during the period of April 16 at July 30 1999. Results: The present study presented the following results: age 50 to 55 years 69%, with or I average of: I weight of 69 kg, and a size of 1.54 mts, IMC 29, glucemia 133 mg, T/A 123/75. Antecedents of family with diabetes 50%, arterial hypertension of 22%, sedentary 79%, tabagism 11%, children with more than 4 kg of weight when being born 17%, constitution medium 75%, small 16%, big 9%. Conclusions: It is evident that the IMC 29 represents a consequence of obesity of lst grade, as consequence of the sedentary in 79%, as well as inadequate alimentary habits, what generates high glucemia of 133 mg. For what is necessary that the multidisciplinary team makes bigger efforts for the detection and opportune prevention of diabetes mellitus, as well as the modification of the susceptible factors of risk to the change.REFERENCES