2003, Number 1
Infirmary cares at patients in criticus state
Torillo MA, García GA
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 14-17
PDF size: 48.35 Kb.
The nurse’s main end, is to give attention of quality to the patient in comatose state, taking hold conscience of its necessities, providing above all, the cares and preventive treatment with readiness and precision to avoid complications and to help to the patient’s survival and to integrate it to its means.The infirmary cares that were carried out in 14 patients in comatose state were evaluated in the HGZ No. 57 during 12 months, finding a general percentage and a percentage as a result for under 75% in some cares for lack of the infirmary personnel’s participation.
According to the results it was corroborated that the cares are adapted, with a general percentage of 87%. It is Necessary to mention that in stimulation, sponge bathroom, skin lubrication, position changes and bandage of pelvic member’s find a percentage for under 75%.