2002, Number 1
Rev Hosp Gral Quebrada 2002; 1 (1)
Participation of Social Welfare in the educational promotion and detection of bio-psycho-social risks in high risk pregnant patients
González RMR, García GA, Cruz RB
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 37-40
PDF size: 33.35 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the participation of Social Welfare in the educational promotion and detection of bio-psycho-social factors in high risk pregnant patients. Design type: Observational, future-oriented and lateral type interviews. Place: Unidad de Medicina Familiar No. 184 Región “La Raza”, Delegación Estado de México Oriente. Material and methods: Through the use of surveillance and control cards the women that were pregnant in the period from February to July of 1996 were identified, same that were derived by the medical assistants to Social Welfare, where they were assisted for the first time applying them the pre- measurement questionnaire; an interview was carried out or a social medical study for the identification of bio-psycho-social risks and to integrate them to the educational sessions, taking post-delivery follow-up by means of interview or visits to their homes. Results: The present investigation, had a statistical significance of c2 with a p ‹0.001 and the questionnaire presented a validity in the Kurder-Richarson test of 95, obtaining the following results: of the 56 high risk pregnant patients in the pre-measurement evaluation, 66% doesn’t know when pregnancy started, 91% ignores what reproductive risk means, 89% doesn’t identify the pregnancy alarm symptoms, 59% ignores the complications and 73% ignores how the childbirth work begins; the difference of the pre-measurement questionnaire and post-measurement are of 32% giving this a learning delta of 72%. Conclusions: Taking into account that 71% of the patients are in optimal reproductive age, it is necessary that the health team identifies and marks the characteristics that will allow them to identify the high risk pregnancy from the bio-psycho-social point of view, to give proper treatment and opportune and appropriate orientation with the purpose of cooperating in the maternal-infantile health. In relation to the civil state, the majority has their couple’s support; of these, 21% works, therefore they contribute to the family’s economy; 78% is devoted to their home, being economically dependent; likewise, they have a good communication with their couple as the patients refer, since 62% of the pregnancies were planned. In the cases of not-planned pregnancies, emotional support was offered to those patients during the interview.REFERENCES