2021, Number 4
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2021; 50 (4)
Catamenial pneumothorax
Parra IN, Sánchez CJG, Plasencia DO, Rodríguez RH, Sánchez HE
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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The catamenial pneumothorax is that spontaneous and recurrent pneumothorax related with the menstrual cycle. More frequent in women with fertile age above the 30 years of age and predominance of the right hemithorax. The primary diagnosis is difficult and the treatment that best results recorded is the surgery by minimal access techniques associated with hormone treatment.
Present a case of catamenial neumothorax, to describe their clinical characteristics and the videothoracoscopic proceeding used.
Clinical case:
48 years old female patient, with history of chest pain and coughing at the beginning of menstruation and having suffered two spontaneous rights pneumothorax. We performed biopsy, phrenorraphy and pleurodesis by videothoracoscopy, after 18 months the symptomatology did not reappear.
The clinical and radiological elements induce to think of the diagnosis of catamenial pneumothorax, supported by the presence of diaphragmatic fenestrations and the not reappearance of the pneumothorax frame after the closure of the diaphragmatic defects and satisfactory treatment with talc pleurodesis by minimal access surgery.
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