2002, Number 1
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Rev Hosp Gral Quebrada 2002; 1 (1)
Quality of the cervical sample in the uterine cervix cancer program
Correa RP, García GA, Ramos OG, Santillán MA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 32-36
PDF size: 38.57 Kb.
The cancer is a universal illness that doesn’t distinguish race, sex, cultures or socioeconomic state. In developed western countries, the mortality has decreased notably before a diagnosis effective cytological joined to another type of interventions of quality in its massive program of detection. Nevertheless of the accessibility of the test vaginal cervix, a problem that is informed with more frequency in the world literature is the discharge it appraises of negative false results in the routine cervical cytology, situation that involves among other things, the quality of the sample. The design is observational, prospective and transverse. Of June to December of the 2000, 420 cytologies were revised to determine the quality of the sample cytological by means of the approach of Bethesda. It was found that 85% was satisfactory and 15% satisfactory but limited. The combination of instruments spatula more tongue holder demonstrated better results for the taking of the sample.
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